About Us

Ranking everything eight at a time

About Us

     TopEight.com has been measuring the top eight everything all the way since 2001. Yeah, that's a long time ago. How long ago? That's the same year that George W. Bush got sworn in. A little more than a year before that everybody was going crazy because computer programmers were apparently oblivious to the fact that 2000 comes after 1999. This page is called "About Us". Not "About 2001" so we will stop trying to make you feel old now.

     TopEight.com ranks everything from the best of the best to the utterly absurd. The only constant is that you will be entertained and informed. So why eight? Well, we feel that seven isn't enough to round out a good list and nine is just superfluous. Also, at the time, it was the only domain name available.

     We currently have approximately zero hired writers. All of the lists on this website are either written by us or by you guys. That ensures that we have lists that were put together by people who care what they are writing about, not somebody rushing to crank out a subpar article before a deadline. If you think you've got what it takes to write an article, click on the contribute button above for more information.